2-Dec-2008: We bought a 'rat sticker' and place it at the same place where we found the most rat stool.

3-Dec-2008: Same like picture above, except more rat stool.
4-Dec-2008: We follow our housemate's suggestion and put a bread on the 'rat sticker'. It was KFC's sweet bun.
5-Dec-2008: I was frightened by this black creature when I went into the kitchen early morning. And I got excited when I noticed it is the RAT! Probably it has struggled for whole night, until it's foot's skin peel off...
The best birthday gift for Alex --> mission to catch the rat is completed.

We didn't know what to do with this rat. Alex asked our 'all rounded secretary' in the company, and she asked us to quickly throw it away before it is dead. The whole house will stink if it dies in the house. So right after came back from work, Alex 'kiap' (fold) the rat sticker and throw it into the trash bin outside our house.
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